On Monday (24/7), "Offline Training on Strategic Partnership between Government and Muslim Religious Leaders (MRLs) in Reproductive Health, Family Planning, Prevention of Child Marriage, and Stunting Reduction" was formally launched by the Ministry of State Secretariat (Kemensetneg), the National Family Planning Coordinating Board (BKKBN), and the United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA). 14 participants from 5 nations—Burundi, Ethiopia, Nepal, Malaysia, and Myanmar—participated in this programme, which took place in Surabaya, East Java, from July 23 to July 29. The role of Muslim religious and community leaders, particularly those from countries with a sizable Muslim population, in addressing concerns and issues linked to reproductive health, stunting, and the implementation of family planning is the main topic raised in this training activity.
According to Noviyanti, Head of the International Technical Cooperation Bureau (KTLN) of the Ministry of State Secretariat, this programme has a lot of potential and can make a significant contribution by enhancing the ability of religious leaders and Muslim community leaders to dispel misconceptions and taboos about using family planning. Hasto Wardoyo, the head of BKKBN, emphasised the same point and emphasised that through working together strategically, religious leaders and Muslim community leaders have been incorporated into BKKBN policy.
Along with classroom exercises, the participants were also given the opportunity to tour a number of Islamic-based organisations, including hospitals, boarding schools, and schools, all of which have initiatives to prevent early marriage, manage reproductive health, and treat malnutrition and stunting.
It is envisaged that training participants would be able to learn about and have a sense of examples that have been used by the Indonesian government to administer the Family Planning programme through class sessions and visits to various institutions. Additionally, the information and experience gathered can be a resource for offering policy recommendations to the governments of each participant's home country in an effort to enhance family welfare.